Drama Without the Drama

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Film Editing

You have a cousin who took a filmmaking class in highschool. He assured you he could make your video. He used his iPhone and some of it turned out pretty good. But some of the takes are hard to hear and in some, the lighting is less than flattering. And now, the free online film editing software he used in highschool no longer exists. Give DWoD your tired, your poor quality footage.

It starts with content

Being decisive and efficient is key to storytelling. Brevity, after all, is the soul of wit. By taking a step back from the material and keeping an eye on the larger story, DWoD:

  1. culls the good material--separating the wheat from the chaff
  2. stitches it back together into a compelling narrative
  3. polishes it into a finished product

DWoD use Final Cut Pro software to:

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